Do you feel like you're stuck in a rut, juggling endless tasks and feeling burnt out? Well, let me tell you – you are not alone! I've got some tips and tricks to help you get your mojo back.
If you and your partner struggle to get into a rhythm or a routine for your household, it's time to discuss the workload balance.
When you're surrounded by clutter, it can be overwhelming. Once you declutter your home, maintaining it becomes a whole lot easier.
Staging zones are essentially designated areas in your home where you can temporarily store things that must be put away or dealt with later.
This gives you a head start on your day. Instead of feeling rushed and you can take some time to ease into your day and set the tone for a productive and positive day.
If you're not already assigning age-appropriate chores to your little ones, then it's time to get started!
Sometimes I think about all of the things I am thankful for to help ease my mind when I am feeling unmotivated. Such as, not paying for childcare.