The 3-Day Boot Camp Introduction
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My boys are at the stage of life where they push boundaries and crave attention. We communicate a lot with our kids, so they know our expectations for their behavior. However, once you add in school, hunger, tiredness, over-stimulation, and on and on, those lessons and values can become overshadowed. Our 3-Day Boot Camp seems to do the trick when we need to get the boys back in line.
Correcting Bad Behavior Boot Camp
With the change from Winter to Spring, we started adding more activities to our schedule. This gradual addition of responsibilities began to weigh on our sweet Bodie. He had a few days in a row where he was outright awful: disrespect, tantrums, rudeness, zero self-control, and a lot of anger. Once I recognized the behavior wasn't going to correct itself, we implemented the 3-Day Boot Camp for Correcting Bad Behavior.
The boot camp that I last completed with Bodie was for his lack of self-control and anger. However, you can use this boot camp to fix most behavioral issues with your kids. This could be talking back, aggression towards others, lying, or any other problems. Just remember to only focus on ONE behavioral issue at a time to correct. Otherwise, the boot camp may not be as beneficial.
I want to be transparent. The photos and videos that I post are not professional grade, but they are honest and in the moment. I have broken this life lesson down to the 3-Day Boot Camp, and I have also provided a daily log of how the actual boot camp went for us. All of the ups, all of the downs, and all of the victories.
Please let me know if you have any questions about the boot camp. I hope you can adopt these simple strategies to ensure that you are correcting bad behaviors as soon as they arise!